Steven V.

Steven V. posted the article This may be the most important thing I have ever done.  (at least on the internet)

This may be the most important thing I have ever done.  (at least on the internet) AI is the enemy Every pixel of media you absorb today is overhyped, oversold, and full of fear.  That is on purpose, and it is all driven......Read more
Steven V.

Steven V. updated his profile

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded the video How the re-formation of Grand Funk Railroad happened

Steven V.

Steven V. posted the article Spotify Wrapped. It’s a social media trend that survives year after year. And it thrives on your personal data.

It’s a social media trend that survives year after year. And it thrives on your personal data. For some, Black Friday ushers in the holiday season. But for others, it’s when they open Spotify on a late autumn day and see......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V updated her profile

Andrea V

Andrea V completed her profile

Andrea V

Andrea V updated her profile

Andrea V

Andrea V liked the photo 213 A168 A 0 Bab 4 Fbc 80 Ba Aa5 A486392 B9

Andrea V

Andrea V liked the photo album My Peavey Radial Pro 1000s

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded the video The Last Note Ever Played at CBGB's...

Steven V.

Steven V. updated the song The Great Epic Something

Steven V.

Steven V. updated the song The Great Epic Something

Steven V.

Steven V. updated the song The Great Epic Something

Steven V.

Steven V. posted the song The Great Epic Something

Andrea V

Andrea V voted on the poll Who is best Neil?

Andrea V voted Neil Diamond
Vote on poll
Andrea V

Andrea V posted the article Reward Music - The New Way

THE OLD WAY The allure of Spotify for an artist, is that they claim to have 422 million listeners.  "If I am on Spotify, everyone will listen to me!" And while a number in the millions seems appealing, keep in mind that......Read more
Steven V.

Steven V. became friends with Frank F.

Frank F.
Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded a photo

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded a photo

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded a photo

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded a photo

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded a photo

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded a photo

Steven V.

Steven V. uploaded a photo

Steven V.

Steven V. posted a comment on Gregg S.'s profile

Thanks for posting those pictures on my site.  As grateful as I am for the Facebook forum, I truly hate Facebook, and the only time I go on Facebook is to go there.  I wish we could move all of that content and the community......Read more
Steven V.

Steven V. posted a comment on 's profile

Thanks for signing up!......Read more
Steven V.

Steven V. posted a comment on Gregg S.'s profile

Thanks for signing up!......Read more
Steven V.

Steven V. updated his profile

Steven V.

Steven V. posted a comment on Paul T.'s profile

Thanks for signing up!......Read more